High Quality Waterproof Louvre Roof System at Skymax

Skymax Aerotech Series Opening Louvred Roofs have been intelligently designed to incorporate five very distinct design features that elevate the Aerotech system over alternate systems. Skymax Aerotech Series delivers eye-catching features such as the linear blade design that offers the most impressive view to the open sky possible. The Aerotech system delivers complete rain protection by utilising integrated storm insertion technology within each blade.When blades are closed from the underside a clean architectural panelled built-in ceiling effect is achieved. Features of Waterproof Louvre Roof System : 1. Louvres can be fitted within most existing frameworks. 2. Create elegance and atmosphere with remote controlled “LED lighting”. 3. Your handheld remote allows you to rotate the louvres almost 100 degrees. 4. When it rains, the rain sensor will automatically close your roof. 5. For long trouble free operation the low voltage weatherproof motor assembly is manuf...